Tips to read and understand the Bible (Part 2)

Tips to read and understand the Bible (Part 2)

It is worth taking the time and effort to read and understand the Bible because it is a book authored by the living God. This means it can give us guidance in how to live a fulfilling life now and a real hope for the future. We will spend two nights looking at how to make the most of our Bible reading. We will show you the keys unlock the secrets of this special book and open our eyes to the pearls of wisdom it contains.

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A believer's answer to the humanist (Part 2)

Humanism as a philosophy promotes the idea that humanity is on the earth without reason or purpose, but that through human creativity combined with rational thought can lead everyone to a greater good. While this may have seemingly noble ideals, the answers to our reason and purpose on the earth are much deeper and more certain if we turn to the Creator.

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A believer's answer to the humanist (Part 1)

Humanism as a philosophy promotes the idea that humanity is on the earth without reason or purpose, but that through human creativity combined with rational thought can lead everyone to a greater good. While this may have seemingly noble ideals, the answers to our reason and purpose on the earth are much deeper and more certain if we turn to the Creator.

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God's family - model for our family

God has called us to be his sons and daughters, and Jesus taught us to pray “Our father, which art in heaven”. In the bible, God demonstrates his model for his heavenly family, one that mirrors an earthly family. Join us as we explore the bible to learn more about this model for heavenly and earthly families.

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World events in Bible prophecy

There are many Bible prophecies or passages that foretell the future. One of the reasons God gives these acuate prophecies is to prove that He exists. Come and explore how current world events line up with the prophetic words of the Bible.

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Is there really life after death?

Death can be a frightening prospect to many people as few truly understand it. Religion provides a life beyond death, literature explores that possibility, while some people see it as the end. Come and see what the Bible truly says about life after death and how it can impact you.

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Do we need saving?

Have you ever wondered why religious people talk about being saved? What are they being saved from? Join us as we explore these concepts in a Biblical light and consider how they might impact our future.

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What will the Kingdom of God be like?

Have you ever imaged what it would be like to live without suffering? To experience world peace? The Bible describes a time like this called the Kingdom of God. Come and explore Biblical passage with us and build up your picture of this amazing time ahead.

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Armageddon - where, when and why?

Armageddon is a word freely used in English to describe a massive, life changing disaster. Come with us as we discover the origins of this word found in the Bible, that describes a literal event. We will consider where, when and why this even will occur and how it might impact your future.

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Saved by grace - so why be good?

Philip Yancey once said that “There is nothing we can do to make God love us more and nothing we can do to make God love us less”. Is this view based on Biblical principles? Is it true? Join us as we explore the Bible’s meaning of saved by grace and how it can change your life and give you a hope.

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Family meditation and praise evening

Join us for a family night centred around God's word and the blessings we have received from Him. The night will include items and meditations from our children and young people and allow you an opportunity to get to know our community.

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Tips to read and understand the Bible (Part 1)

Tips to read and understand the Bible (Part 1)

It is worth taking the time and effort to read and understand the Bible because it is a book authored by the living God. This means it can give us guidance in how to live a fulfilling life now and a real hope for the future. We will spend two nights looking at how to make the most of our Bible reading. We will show you the keys unlock the secrets of this special book and open our eyes to the pearls of wisdom it contains.

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What is Jesus doing now?

Jesus Christ ascended to heaven nearly 2000 years ago, but he still has an active role in the world today. Discover his current role and how it connects to his greater role to come as King of Righteousness, King of Peace and King of the world!

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The evidence of Christ's resurrection

Have you ever wondered if Jesus Christ really rose from the dead? Can such a claim be proven? Join us as we explore the Biblical and historical evidence Christ’s resurrection, that demonstrates the great power of God and proves his existence.

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Bible prophecy in Luke 21

God is the author of the Bible who can foretell future events. In this series we will spend three nights exploring three Bible prophecies which show the future of the world. The accuracy of the Bible will be seen based on historical parts of the prophecies already being fulfilled just as God has outlined. This will give us confidence that God is in control of this world and His plan of establishing His Kingdom will be fulfilled.

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Bible prophecy in Ezekiel 38

God is the author of the Bible who can foretell future events. In this series we will spend three nights exploring three Bible prophecies which show the future of the world. The accuracy of the Bible will be seen based on historical parts of the prophecies already being fulfilled just as God has outlined. This will give us confidence that God is in control of this world and His plan of establishing His Kingdom will be fulfilled.

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Bible prophecy in Daniel 2

God is the author of the Bible who can foretell future events. In this series we will spend three nights exploring three Bible prophecies which show the future of the world. The accuracy of the Bible will be seen based on historical parts of the prophecies already being fulfilled just as God has outlined. This will give us confidence that God is in control of this world and His plan of establishing His Kingdom will be fulfilled.

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What is God's promise of true peace?

Peace is a concept so many people talk about, especially given the current wars in Ukraine, Israel-Gaza, and other countries. Peace is a concept that humans have been trying to achieve for so long, but we have been unable to achieve it, even with international cooperation. The Bible talks about peace, and says that peace is only possible through God’s power, strength, and intelligence. This is true peace and this is the peace we want to explore.

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Is there such a thing as sin?

The idea of “sin” is not generally accepted today in our world of relative moralism. However, God has a standard of what is right and wrong and he reveals the right way to live. God wants to save us from sin and the consequence of sin, which is death.

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Introducing the Christadelphians

Introducing the Christadelphians

You are warmly invited to join us for tea and hear us introduce ourselves. We are a small group who follow the faith of the first-century followers of Jesus. We base all our beliefs on the Bible as the inspired word of God. We would love to share the amazing hope we have in the promises God has made in His Gospel.

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The hope of God's kingdom

Continuing our series on God's plan for the Earth, night 5 of 5 will focus on the fulfilment of the Gospel promises made in Eden and to Abraham and David. This is the promised Kingdom of God for those who are saved through His Son Jesus Christ. God invites you to inherit His Kingdom.

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The promises to David

Continuing our series on God's plan for the Earth, night 4 of 5 will focus on the promises made to David, a man after God’s own heart. This is another promise of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. The invitation to join God's family is extended to us, if we also turn our hearts to God.

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Handel’s Oratorio ‘Messiah’ Highlights

Handel’s Oratorio ‘Messiah’ Highlights

Free Event

Join us for a free night of timeless music at the Adelaide Town Hall, with the highlights of Handel’s ‘Messiah’.

Presented by the Christadelphians, this performance will outline the gospel message in song, with over 150 voices and instruments, including the incredible Adelaide Town Hall Pipe Organ. Entry is FREE but tickets are required to manage seating. Reserve your seat now and enjoy over 90 minutes of this work. It's guaranteed to be an unforgettable evening of musical splendour!

Bookings are essential - Click here

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The promises to Abraham

Continuing our series on God's plan for the Earth, night 3 of 5 will focus on the promises made to Abraham, the Father of the Faithful. This is another promise of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. The invitation to join God's family is extended to us, if we have faith like Abraham.

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The promises in Eden

On night 2 of 5, we will explore God's first promise to man in the Garden of Eden. This is the first promise of the Gospel of God's future kingdom on the earth and salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

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What is the Gospel?

Everyone likes good news! The word gospel means exactly that - a good news story. The best part is that this good news relates to every single one of us. The Bible tells us that God's kingdom is coming to Earth and Jesus Christ will be king in a restored world. We want you to learn about it so that you can be a part of it too! Join us for a five part series to explore the fundamentals of the gospel.

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Does it matter what you believe?

Many people would say that being a good person is the most important thing in life, and that your individual beliefs do not matter as much as your actions. This week we will open our Bibles to find out how our beliefs are intertwined with our actions, and ultimately determine our salvation.

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What happens when we die?

There are many different beliefs about what happens to us when we die. Are our souls immortal? Do they go to heaven? Do they go to hell? Are we reincarnated? Or do we just simply die? Together we will open God's word to help us understand what happens when we die.

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Are we here by design or chance? (Part 2)

Modern science tells us that we have evolved over billions of years, but the Bible tells us that the Earth was created by God in 7 days. We will spend two nights looking at examples from nature, including our intricate design, and exploring God's word to show that God is our creator and has a plan for the Earth.

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Are we here by design or chance? (Part 1)

Modern science tells us that we have evolved over billions of years, but the Bible tells us that the Earth was created by God in 7 days. We will spend two nights looking at examples from nature, including our intricate design, and exploring God's word to show that God is our creator and has a plan for the Earth.

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10 years of Russian Aggression: What is God’s plan for world peace?

10 years of Russian Aggression: What is God’s plan for world peace?

Why is Russia’s aggression significant in Bible prophecy? How can you be involved in God’s plan for world peace?

The Bible has answers to these important questions.

This presentation is to be held on Sunday 25th February 2024 at these locations and times:

  • Warradale - 6:00 pm at Christadelphian Seminar Centre, 390 Morphett Road.

  • Aberfoyle Park - 6:00 pm at Christadelphian Hall, Corner of Manning Road and Sunnymeade Drive.

  • Colonel Light Gardens - 6:00 pm at Christadelphian Hall, 521 Goodwood Road.

  • Woodville South - 7:00 pm at The Eagles Function Centre, Oval Avenue.

  • Clearview - 6:00 pm at Christadelphian Hall, 344 Hampstead Road.

  • Hope Valley - 6:00 pm at Christadelphian Hall, 1186 Grand Junction Road.

  • Oakden - 2:30 pm at Heritage College, 2019 Heritage Court.

  • Wynn Vale - 5:00 pm at Christadelphian Hall, Corner Hillendale and Endeavour Drives.

There will also be discussion to this topic on the radio program, ‘Bible Spotlight’ on Adelaide 88.7, Coast FM or stream the program live on Sunday 25th February 2024 at 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

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